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January 29, 2012 SAM RAINSY PARTY SCORES SIGNIFICANT VICTORY IN SENATORIAL ELECTIONS The Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) has achieved a notable success in senatorial elections today, Sunday January 29, with the number of SRP senators jumping from two to 11. This result is the latest in a string of electoral successes — legislative, communal, provincial […]

(ខ្មែរ) លោកស្រី កែ សុវណ្ណរតន៏ (កណ្តាល) លោក នុត រុំដួល និងលោកស្រី ថាក់ ឡានី លាលែងពីតំណែងតំណាងរាស្រ្ត
PRESS CONFERENCE ON TODAY’S RESIGNATION OF THREE OPPOSITION NATIONAL ASSEMBLY MEMBERS Members of Parliament from the Sam Rainsy Party (SRP) have the pleasure to invite journalists, members of the diplomatic corps and interested observers to a Press Conference to be held today, Monday, November 21, at 11:00 am at the SRP Headquarters located at […]

(ខ្មែរ) Le 5ème Congrès du Parti Sam Rainsy tenu à Phnom Penh le 11 septembre 2011 en présence de quelque 4.000 délégués représentant toutes les provinces du Cambodge ainsi que les communautés khmères à l’étranger, a adopté les résolutions ci-après consistant à:

(ខ្មែរ) The SRP bylaws call for the holding of an ordinary Congress every
three years. The last - and fourth - ordinary Congress having been
held in 2008, our Party Permanent Committee has recently decided to
hold the fifth ordinary Congress on Sunday, 11 September 2011.